About Merkaba Healing Services

While acute stress is a normal part of life and helps us to get things done, long-term, low-grade (accumulated) stress is not. Due to recent happenings like covid 19 and lockdown in particular, more than ever we are seeing and experiencing burnout, physical illnesses, physical and sexual violence, addictions and emotional illnesses or illnesses of the heart, on a massive scale. With these issues becoming increasingly complex to treat, there is a need to change the way in which we deal with them.

Merkaba Healing Services (MHS) is a compassionate, judgement-free space that offers a range of complementary services that aims to help individuals become more resilient in coping with life’s hectic demands and heal from past traumatic experiences that have left them feeling disempowered.

At MHS, we understand that human beings are multi-dimensional and that is why we offer a multi-disciplinary approach to healing. This 3-prong approach includes:

  • Top down – by rewiring the brain and changing negative thought patterns and unwanted behaviours (QEC)
  • Bottom up – by releasing stress and stuck emotion in the body (Therapeutic Reflexology, TRE)
  • And through connection – with the therapist (Connect)

Our aim at MHS is to provide individuals with support until such time they feel strong enough to walk on their own.

About Our Therapist

My name is Miska Jamal and I am a Complementary Health Therapist at Merkaba Healing Services. I am a registered Therapeutic Reflexologist (A12223), Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) Provider, Quantum Energy Coach and Internal Family Systems-informed Practitioner. My key areas of focus include grief, loss and shame. I have a keen interest in neurobiology, sacred geometry and the metaphysical.

I focus on the alleviation of symptoms for the following conditions:

  • Physical and Emotional Abuse (including Domestic Violence)
  • Adult Survivors of Child or Adult Sexual Trauma (Touch and Non-Touch Trauma)
  • Addictions
  • Stress and Burnout
  • Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • Chronic Pain and Sleep Disturbances
  • Chronic Grief and Shame and feelings of worthlessness
  • Chronic Inflammatory Conditions brought on by psychological causes
  • Eating Disorders
  • Identity Issues
  • Self-Esteem and Confidence Issues
  • PTSD and C-PTSD
  • Childhood Trauma

We are living in a time where we are being tested more than ever before and so the ways in which we are coping may seem outwardly bad, but we are dealing with things in the best way that we know how. Not one for the spotlight, titles or qualifications, I believe that genuine, sincere connection is the best form of healing and surpasses any other healing modality. Coupled with self-compassion and a non-judgmental space to be seen, heard and understood, we are able to destroy all the false beliefs, shame and guilt we were taught to believe about ourselves and to remember and embody who we truly are at our core.

Although there are many different definitions of trauma, I believe that a traumatic experience is one that is completely subjective, and can be defined as an experience that leaves us with a lasting emotional pain, shock or grief, that leads to seeing ourselves in a negative light, feeling bad about ourselves and may result in having negative thought patterns and frowned upon behaviors. Our past experiences are stored in the subconscious mind and are ultimately the blueprint for the way in which we operate in our every day lives. By releasing our emotions that stem from our past traumatic experiences, we allow for the change in our current, negative self-beliefs, behaviors and thought patterns.

I follow a 3-pronged approach to heal stress, burnout and trauma – through the mind (QEC), body (TRE and Reflexology) and through connection (Connect). I work organically, meaning, I allow the client to choose what they would like to work through in the session, ensuring that not only does my client feel emotionally safe at all times, but that they reconnect with their power. The modalities that I offer are efficient, as I love seeing people from all walks of life live the life that they deserve, without having to spend years and years in the therapeutic space. We deserve not only to step into our power, but also honor the souls around us by honoring our own soul’s full potential and authenticity.