Connect Sessions

What is a Connect session and how can it benefit me?

At times, we all need a sounding board, not for anyone to fix us or to give us answers, but to just be there, to witness us in our raw state. There may be moments on your healing journey where you may feel like everything is happening very quickly. Connect sessions provide the perfect opportunity to slow down, to connect, to be seen, to be heard, to be witnessed, without judgement. Contrary to what the world tells us, slowing down is progress and is necessary, especially when it comes to our healing journey.

How long are sessions and what does a session entail?

Sessions are usually between 60 and 90 minutes depending on your need. Because these sessions happen organically, different techniques may be used. We may do compassionate inquiry, grief exercises, parts work or art. The sessions may be unconventional, but they are designed to meet you where you are on your healing journey.

How many sessions will I need?

That’s completely up to you

Can sessions be done online/in person?

Online and in-person

How much does a session cost?

Local: R900 per session (60 – 90 minutes)

International: USD 80 (all taxes and charges included)

Bookings can be made by WhatsApping 064 073 8253 or emailing