What is therapeutic reflexology and meridian therapy?
Reflexology is an ancient healing art by which pressure is applied to distinct areas of the feet. In reflexology, the feet are a microcosm (mini map) of the body. All the organs, glands and body parts have a similar arrangement on the feet. By applying pressure on certain areas of the feet (reflexes), we stimulate the corresponding organ or part in the body which results in a physiological change taking place. It is also believed that organs, glands and body parts are connected by energy channels (meridians) and by stimulating the reflexes in a particular order, we unblock any congestion (toxins) along these pathways resulting in the body healing and bringing itself back into balance.
What are the benefits?
Reflexology has been proven to assist with:
- Inducing a state of relaxation and tension release
- Increasing circulation and oxygen uptake, strengthening the immune system
- Increasing organ functioning
- Increasing energy levels
- Detoxifying the body and eliminating toxins
- Regulating hormones and menstrual irregularities
- Stimulating the central nervous system and the nerve endings
- Speeding up recovery after injury or surgery
- Helping to improve sleep
The effects of Reflexology may not be capable of removing the cause of terminal diseases, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and Aids, but the person can be made more comfortable and the pain bearable. It can significantly improve the patient’s general condition, activate excretory organs, stimulate the respiratory system and assist in better control of the bladder and bowels. In this way, Reflexology treatments can improve the quality of life.
How long are sessions and what does it entail?
The initial consultation can take up to 90 minutes which includes patient history-taking, visual assessment of hands, face and feet and a reflexology treatment. Treatments thereafter are 60 minutes each.
How many sessions will I need?
Because each person has a unique medical profile, it will differ from person to person. On average, 4 treatments are done to assist the body with detoxification and thereafter 6 meridian treatments are done to help bring the body back into balance. These treatments are done on a weekly basis. There may be some patients who benefit well from receiving weekly treatments and continue to use reflexology long-term.
What are the side effects?
Following a reflexology treatment, the body will attempt to rid itself of toxins (healing crisis). Reactions to the treatment will differ from person to person. You may notice an increase in, darker or stronger-smelling urination, flatulence, more frequent bowel movements, aggravated skin conditions, increased mucous secretions, dizziness, nausea, tiredness, headaches, increased thirst and disrupted sleep patterns.
Are there any contra-indications?
Anyone can benefit from Reflexology treatments, regardless of age or sex. However caution is taken with:
- Those suffering from thrombosis or internal bleeding as blood circulation could increase
- Insulin-dependent diabetics as stimulation of the pancreas could increase insulin levels
- Pregnant females (particularly during the first trimester)
- Sufferers of phlebitis, lymphatic cancer, leukemia, osteoporosis and epilepsy
How much does a session cost?
R700 per session (consultation fee waived)
Bookings can be made by WhatsApping 064 073 8253 or emailing admin@merkabahealingservices.co.za